6 Signs of Cat and Dog Fever

Pets Of usa
5 min readAug 24, 2021


Cat and dog fever is a sure thing to happen to our pets. Moreover, if the health conditions of the two pets are declining, it will be easy to experience cat and dog fever.

But don’t panic, everything can be overcome.

But before that, you need to know the signs of cat and dog fever in order to properly handle it.

Actually there are several signs of cat and dog fever, but the most common and often occur there are 6 signs.

Recognize the following signs.

Cat and Dog Fever

For dog and cat owners, when they see their dogs and cats are quiet, not active, have no appetite, when they touch their bodies a little warm (especially the ears and the inside of the thighs), they usually start to worry. It is not uncommon to conclude that the cat and dog has a fever.

Well, if it’s like this, the owner is anxious to seek help, right and left information, ask friends, ask other animal lovers, or take action to treat alone by giving fever-reducing drugs for children or for adults.

Of course, even giving the medicine does not match the dose, usually with an estimate of a piece, a piece, a quarter and other terms.

Then, is it true that using fever-reducing drugs in children and adults can reduce fever symptoms in dogs and cats? Safe or not? Is the dosage appropriate or not?

Apparently, giving medicine to dogs and cats can not be arbitrary. For the owner, it is very important to do an examination first at the veterinarian, make sure his condition directly, then the doctor will certainly give medicine according to his condition.

Indiscriminate administration of drugs without veterinary advice will have a bad impact on poisoning and even death.

Especially in cats, the administration of fever-reducing drugs such as paracetamol, even in small amounts, can cause poisoning that results in death.

Signs of Cat and Dog Fever

How to find out cat and dog fever?

The following are various signs of cat and dog fever that I managed to collect from various sources.

1. Increased Body Temperature Cat and Dog

Fever in dogs and cats is characterized by an increase in body temperature (more than 39.5°C, some have felt quite hot above 39.2°C). Usually this increase in body temperature occurs a few days.

Body temperature measurements in dogs and cats can be done using a thermometer.

The thermometer is inserted into the anus, some cats and dogs will feel uncomfortable when the thermometer is inserted.

Normal temperature for dogs and cats is 37.5°C — 39.5°C.

Thermometers are easily available at pharmacies, can be obtained at a fairly affordable price.

So it’s best from now on, provide a thermometer for dogs and cats.

The condition of fever, needs to be distinguished from the condition of a sudden increase in temperature due to the environment.

Dogs and cats that are left in hot or minimal air will also experience an increase in temperature, usually a drastic increase in temperature (over 40°C).

Another symptom of the dog looks panting and even collapse (pass out immediately). Well, in this condition dogs and cats are not said to have a fever but have hyperthermia and heat stroke (hot shock).

2. Rarely Urinate

Cat and dog fever can cause dehydration or lack of fluids if left unchecked, one of the characteristics of which is not urinating or urinating infrequently.

3. Decreased Appetite

Cat and dog fever also tends to have no appetite, usually the food bowl looks whole or slightly eaten.

4. Nose and Feet Look Dry

Normally in cats and dogs the nose and soles of the feet will look fresh, feel moist (a little wet).

Cats and dogs who have a fever, the nose and soles of the feet will look dry.

5. Decreased Activity

Cat and dog fever will tend to be silent, don’t want to do activities because the body is not fit and uncomfortable.

Cats also tend to hide or be alone in comfortable places such as closets, under beds, or boxes. Cats with fever usually rarely lick their bodies (grooming).

6. Drink More Often

Cat and dog fever usually drink more often because fever causes dryness and discomfort in the mouth. However, there are also those who don’t want to drink at all, so they need to be given wet food or cold drinks and meat broth to drink more often.

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Causes of Cat and Dog Fever

Fever is not a disease, but a symptom of an illness or the body’s response to a fever-causing agent (a pyrogenic agent).

Fever can be caused by inflammation, infection caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses, wounds.

In dogs and cats that begin to show signs of fever, owners need to pay attention to cuts, bite marks, bruises, or other conditions that can trigger a fever.

Sometimes in dogs and cats (especially) there are often invisible sores usually deep and small bite wounds, causing a fever.

However, owners are usually not very aware of it.

What is the best treatment for cat and dog fever?

  • Make sure cats and dogs get enough fluids
  • Do not give any fever-reducing drugs to cats and dogs without consulting a doctor
  • Compress with cold water
  • Make sure dogs and cats have a comfortable place.

Other Symptoms When Cat and Dog Fever

Additional symptoms of fever determine the probable cause of the fever. If the cause is known, the treatment given will be easier. Watch for symptoms that appear within 12 hours, such as:

  1. Gag
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Thirsty
  4. Decreased appetite
  5. Weak
  6. incoordination
  7. There is a cough or sneeze
  8. There is discharge (snot, saliva, tears, or discharge from the vagina)
  9. Additional movements such as shaking or other movements.

Some of these symptoms are expressed during an examination at the doctor to make it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

Cat and dog fever immediately check with a veterinarian so that dogs and cats get the right examination and treatment according to their condition.

Dogs and cats can experience pain just like humans, sick conditions make dogs and cats uncomfortable.

Providing adequate fluids and immediately consult a veterinarian can greatly help relieve fever and pain in dogs and cats.

